I’m excited to be featured in the first edition of this london fischer lp book. The book is about the art of photography in the early twentieth century and the art of photography today.
The book is about the art of photography in the early twentieth century and the art of photography today. The book is about the art of photography in the early twentieth century and the art of photography today.
The art of photography in the early twentieth century: a collection of essays by a select group of the most important photographers of their time. These essays describe the development of the art form and the photographers’ attitudes towards it. Also included is a section on the history of the art form.
You can read my review of this book here.
This is an interesting collection of essays, some of which are quite good, particularly the ones about the work of William Wellman (who is one of the few photographers who went to work for the British Council in Paris in the late nineteenth century, where he got to know the great art of the French Impressionists), and the first book on photography in England, published in 1892. The book is written by a group of British photographers, so it’s not just about the art of photography.
The title of this book really should be ‘london fischer’, as it is a collection of essays about William Wellman, the photographer who worked for the British Council in Paris in the mid-nineteenth century. Wellman was the first photographer in the world to be given the title’master’ by the French government in the late 1860s.
The book does a great job of describing the art and science of photography, but it’s also full of very technical information about the various devices that a photographer uses to take pictures. The book also really highlights the problems that the British Council faced trying to get their artists to travel abroad.
The book is very much for those who know French, it comes with a beautiful translation, and it’s also available as an English language edition.
The book’s a great visual guide to what to do when you’re abroad. Its very good, and it explains a lot about the methods that we use to take photos.